Civil Service Careers: What you Need to Know

Civil Service Careers: What you Need to Know

A career in the civil service is suitable for those who wish to give back to their community. Most jobs do not provide this possibility, but if you work in the civil service, your actions and decisions may have a direct impact on improving people's lives.

If you've thought about working in the civil service but don't know where to begin, or if you're a graduate looking to establish a career in the civil service, here's all you need to know:

What civil service careers are available?

The civil service is made up of 25 professions (including finance, digital & IT, tax, and so on), thus there are many opportunities for people who are newly certified or seeking for a career move.

Working for a government department in one of the following roles are examples of civil service occupations you could pursue:

  • Administration
  • HR Manager
  • Office Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Engineer
  • Researcher
  • Lawyer
  • Costumer Support Advisor

How much can I earn in the civil service?

Junior civil service posts are classified as Grade AA or AO, middle management positions as EO (Executive Officer) or SEO (Senior Executive Officer), and senior roles as Grade 6 or 7. Because the civil service does not officially disclose pay for each grade level, always double-check the job description or with the hiring manager.

However, for junior professions such as administrators or assistants, you can expect to earn between £20,000 and £23,000 per year. Middle-management positions (manager or supervisor) might earn between £27,000 and £35,000 per year. Senior roles, such as directors, tend to earn £70,000 Plus per year.

What do civil service employers look for?

The abilities (also known as personal attributes) that civil service companies seek in candidates will vary depending on the job, and these will be listed in the job description. However, if you can exhibit some or all of the following talents in your CV, you will stand out from the crowd:

  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Proactive
  • Confidence in making decisions
  • Organised
  • Interest in public affairs
  • Resourceful

How to start a civil service career :

  1. Regularly check for jobs

  2. Refresh your CV

  3. Tailor your cover letter

  4. Get qualified

  5. Don’t give up

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