Is travel and tourism a good degree?

Is travel and tourism a good degree?

In many regions of the world, travellers — whether for business or pleasure – contribute significantly to GDP. Not only seashore towns! Tourism supports whole economies. A degree in travel and tourism provides you the important ideas and information to pursue a profession in travel, tourism, and hospitality, allowing you to travel the world, live in exotic areas, and get paid for it. You'll learn about destinations, attractions, new trends, consumer communication, event planning, and more. Many courses provide UK or overseas practical placements.

Studying tourism and travel at university

Example course modules:

  • Introduction to tourism
  • Economics of tourism
  • Marketing for tourism
  • Economics and marketing
  • Transport: challenges and issues
  • Special interest tourism
  • Management theory and practice for hospitality, travel and tourism industries
  • Passenger transport management
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Transport economics and policy

Who studies this subject:

  • Female : 56%
    Male : 44%
  • Mature : 38%
    School leaver : 62%
  • Full-time : 93%
    Part-time : 7%

Career prospects

Tourism has various aspects. Think of your previous several trips or holidays — a Lanzarote package, a Norwegian cruise, or a Wessex cottage – and all the people involved. A degree in travel and tourism can help you determine where to go, plan your trip, arrange your currencies, transport you comfortably, ensure your stay is good, amuse you, and solve difficulties. Most travel and tourism schools include a practical placement where you may obtain hands-on experience, but it's worth utilising term holidays to gain additional hospitality experience. Travel provides many work chances at home and abroad; you're spoiled for choice if you're willing to pack up and leave your comfort zone. It may be interesting exploring growing locations and future hotspots.

Six months after graduating:

Typical graduate job areas

  • Sales, marketing and related associate professionals

Longer term career paths

Jobs where this degree is useful:

  • Holiday representative
  • Tour manager
  • Tourism officer

Other real-life job examples:

  • Events manager
  • Customer service manager
  • Hotel manager

What attracts employers to this area of study?
Students who take a degree in travel and tourism have a deep understanding of the many places across the world, both domestically and internationally, as well as their reputation as a place to work or play. The talents that students obtain in college are in high demand by companies in a variety of professions. When dealing with clients and visitors (particularly in difficult or unpleasant situations), great communication and problem-solving abilities are essential; planning and logistics for event management; and even language skills that can open up your employment options.

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