How to Become a Crew Controller

How to Become a Crew Controller

The crew controller is part of the team that runs the flight, and they also work closely with the dispatch department and the sales department. Their job is hard and fast-paced, and they have to make the most of the people they work with and manage the airline's resources well. The most important thing is to make sure that the schedules of the flight crew and cabin crew work well.

What is a crew controller's job?

The most important things a crew controller does are:

  • To make sure that proposed flights are legal in terms of duty time and crew qualifications.
  • To plan crew proficiency checks and training. To schedule crew to EU-OPS or equivalent.
  • To check all planes' crew duty plans
  • To keep track of crew records and information about operations. To make sure post-flight data is written down.
  • To keep track of planned and actual flight times
  • To make sure the airline's travel policy saves money
  • To work with the operations department and the crew to make sure the flight is safe.

Some of the things you might have to do are:

  • Established travel plans for the crew
  • Check that crew visas and passports are still valid for upcoming trips.
  • Keep an eye on the crewing coordinators.
  • Fill out the paperwork according to company procedure

Basic requirements and qualifications

A crew controller should know about EU-OPS or something similar, the rules for duty flight time, and the rules set by the airline authority. They should know how to use a ticketing system like Amadeus and have booked flights and hotels before, when necessary. Having IT skills like Microsoft Office is a plus.

  • Good teamwork and communication
  • Ability to multi-task Financial awareness
  • Be responsible, independent, and hardworking. Be able to stay calm under pressure.
  • Can handle their own work
  • Fast problem-solving skills

How to apply

If you want to become a crew controller, you can apply directly to the airline of your choice through their careers site. Some airport career websites and websites about aviation jobs may post job openings. As a crew controller, you can also work for a private jet company or a cargo airline. Many people start out as crewing coordinators or crew officers in the operations department of an airline and work their way up.

Work hours, pay, and perks

A crew controller works shifts that can happen at any time of day or night, 365 days a year. A typical shift schedule might be two days on, two nights on, and then four days off.

Depending on the airline, there may also be health and life insurance, staff travel, and a pension benefits.

Basic pay and overtime make up a person's salary

Crewing coordinator 12,000 GBP 20,000 GBP

Crew controller 26,000 GBP 45,000 GBP

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