Hybrid Working: What You Need to Know

Hybrid Working: What You Need to Know

Do you enjoy working from home but aren't sure if you want to do it full-time? Working in a hybrid environment could be ideal for you...

Many organisations are offering their employees the option of hybrid working as we continue to find new ways of working as we get past the consequences of the epidemic. This trend may be unfamiliar to many of us, yet it could be the ideal solution for a variety of scenarios.

Here's an overview of everything you need to know about working in a hybrid environment:

What is hybrid working?

    Hybrid working is a flexible manner of working in which you can work from the office, from home, or from public areas such as coworking offices, libraries, and so on.

    • Occasionally office based
    • Set days in the office
    • Office-based preferred, with remote working allowed
    • Remote first with visits to the office when in-person meetups are needed

    In the post-pandemic era, hybrid working is a trend that will continue as individuals seek a better work-life balance and businesses recognise that employees can be productive even when they are not in the office.

    What are the best industries for hybrid working?

    As technology allows employees to access emails and work files remotely, hybrid working is appropriate for many office-based employment. Among the industries where hybrid working may be a possibility are: Marketing, Legal, Accountancy, Telesales, Finance, IT, HR / Recruitment, Sales, Project management, Administration

    What are the benefits of hybrid working?

    Working from home has advantages, but it is not for everyone. And not everyone looks forward to going back to work full-time. As a result, hybrid functioning provides a decent balance. The following are some of the most significant advantages of hybrid working:

      • Increased job satisfaction
      • Increased mobility
      • Improved wellbeing
      • Money savings

      Does my employer have to offer hybrid working?

      During the peak of COVID-19 infections, the authorities advised people to work from home (where possible). It's difficult to predict if this may be required in the future, but businesses aren't legally required to give you hybrid working.

      If you want to transition to a hybrid working style, you may need to submit your request for flexible working hours in writing to your company.

      How to ask your employer for hybrid working

      Any request for hybrid working (also known as a flexible working request) must be made in writing, through letter or email. Your request must include:

      • The date you submitted the request
      • Details of the change you want to make
      • The date you want the change to commence
      • How you or your employer may handle any effects the change may have on the company or your work
      • The date of any previous flexible working requests

        It may help your request be approved if you can include: The advantages that a shift to hybrid working could bring to the company (e.g., cost-savings, able to take calls earlier or later in the day) . Advantages for the individuals you work with (e.g. willing to work certain undesirable shifts)

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