If you haven't yet been signed to a modelling agency, or if you simply enjoy the notion of "becoming your own boss" without the assistance of a modelling agency, freelance modelling may be for you.
The term "freelance modelling" refers to the act of representing oneself. You'll be in charge of selecting and booking your own employment. You will be in charge of creating your own portfolio, marketing yourself, learning about the modelling profession, networking, updating your résumé, and so on. It appears to be a lot of labour, doesn't it? That may be true, but for many people, the flexibility and independence of freelance modelling is well worth the work! When they achieve their first taste of success, the momentum drives them into experienced, well-known, and even full-time professional models… all without the guidance of an agency.
There are no physical 'requirements' to work as a freelance model… However, being gorgeous with a toned figure and a nice smile will definitely assist you along the road. Freelance models can work in as many different sectors of modelling as they like. Print models, promo models, commercial models, fitness models, glamour models, art models, catalogue models, music video models, magazine models, and many more jobs are available to them.
There are several chances for freelance models these days, thanks to the internet. It's simply a question of obtaining employment, maintaining a positive attitude, appearing on time for every job, being dependable, appreciating your co-workers, and developing contacts within the sector as you go. The more delighted clients you have as a result of your professionalism, the more referrals you will obtain. This results in new jobs… and the cycle continues.
The nice news about being a freelance model is that you may be signed non-exclusively with as many modelling agencies as you desire! Your non-exclusive modelling agency will submit you for employment and book you on assignments… And the more agencies you're signed with, the more opportunities you'll have. You will have to pay them a percentage, but many of these agencies are able to negotiate high enough modelling fees that it is well worth it to give them 10%. (As a side note, we will be adding a slew of future entries on the subject of non-exclusive modelling agencies, including how to be signed, expectations and etiquette when working for them, and so on.) We also have a MASSIVE list of non-exclusive modelling agencies around the country that we will share with our readers. Subscribe to our free email to stay up to date—exciting things are on the way!)
Freelance model prices vary greatly depending on the individual. Many modelling jobs have a defined fee established by the organisation recruiting you, which is stated before you accept the job. Modeling jobs, salaries, hours, and work requirements vary greatly from one another. It is hard to state a general "rate" since it is purely situational. (We'll go into more detail on this topic in future posts.)
In terms of photoshoots, there will most definitely come a moment when you decide to start charging for some photoshoots while continuing to shoot TFP for others. (Disclaimer: This "moment" should NOT come if you have only done three photoshoots in your whole life and decide that you deserve to start charging money because you now feel like a "seasoned model"… just saying!)
Depending on your degree of expertise, your portfolio, your appearance, what you can offer to the photographer's portfolio, how many good recommendations you can provide, and so on.
You may surely change it as time passes. You'll know when it's time to boost your prices, but don't become greedy. Evaluate your development, assess your strengths, and select a rate that you honestly believe is reasonable.