Looking For Ways To Save Money In 2022 As A Student?

Looking For Ways To Save Money In 2022 As A Student?

When every dollar counts, it's important to look around for the best deals so you don't run out of money.

Here are some of our favourite discount and deal sites in the UK that will help you save money and make the most of what you have.

1. Hotukdeals: Hotukdeals has daily deals and discount codes for things like electronics and home goods. You can also get free stuff from their "Freebies" page.

2.Groupon: is a global marketplace with services like subscriptions, experience days, discounts at restaurants, travel deals, and more. Here, you can find ways to save money on things like a meal out with friends, decorations for your student apartment, or even ink cartridges to print your essays.

3. Wowcher: is a website that is only available in the UK. It is similar to Groupon. It has customers in more than 52 cities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Wowcher is a great place to go if you want to learn a new skill at a low cost, enjoy an activity, or take a break from studying to eat out.

4. Slash: - Many shoppers use extensions to get discounts and save money because they are easy to use. With an extension like Slash, you automatically save with all of their partners. Just download it to your browser, and all the discounts will be applied automatically, saving you money at a wide range of popular student shops.

So far, these are New Look, Converse, B&Q, JD Williams, Body Shop, and even Groupon. Boots and AO.com are also on their way. The best part is that they keep adding more.

You can browse freely on Slash because you know that if a discount can be added, it will be. Slash makes shopping fun again in a creative and unique way that lets students shop however they want without having to wait for cashback or waste time looking for the right discount voucher.

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