How to Deal with Job Interview Stress

How to Deal with Job Interview Stress

Relax, breathe, and take your time

Simply said, interviews are a terrifying experience. However, while anxiety is unavoidable, it may be managed with a few easy words: Breathe. Relax. And then do it again.

With this in mind, pay attention to your body language (making sure you're maintaining eye contact, sitting up straight, and avoiding the need to fidget), slow down your words, and think through your responses before speaking. It's always a good idea to take a moment to think.

To help you relax, it's also crucial to focus on the good. There's a reason you've been invited to an interview. Clearly, you've done something correctly. The good news is that they already like you, so aside from the awkward interview moments, what could possibly go wrong?

Nail your interview answers

When it comes to interviews, many people make the mistake of trying to wing it.

Even if you think the 'crazy risk taker' method is best for you, straining to react to a question you haven't prepared for won't make you feel any better. What's more, it won't get you the job.

Prepare potential answers a few days ahead of time to avoid awkward silences. That way, you'll have a clean head to remember everything you've learned, and all you'll have to worry about the night before is a short refresh and a good night's sleep.

Are you unsure which questions will be asked? Don't worry, we can assist you with it as well.

Think of the interview as a conversation, not an interrogation

Interviews are frequently used to determine whether you're a good fit for the firm as much as they are to assess your talents and experience. So, rather of focusing entirely on all of the challenging interview questions that may arise, never overlook the value of compatibility.

With this in mind, try to be natural while keeping a professional demeanour. Avoid reciting a list of memorised interview responses. Instead, attempt to recall at least five abilities or areas of experience that qualify you for the job and effortlessly weave them into your responses. It's also a good idea to do some preliminary research about the company before your interview.

Remember that your interviewers are actually human

Forget about the formality and remember that your interviewer/s are human*, therefore they may be scared as well. Imagining them as flawless paragons of professional perfection is the source of a lot of interview anxiety – and it's something that can be avoided.

Remember that your interviewers are well aware that interviewees may be nervous on the day of the interview. They also recognise that everyone make mistakes and would not criticise you if you make a mistake once or twice due to nerves.

Video interviews are the same way. Because most people are still getting used to this new medium, your interviewers will be understanding of any minor technology glitches or potential disruptions.

Don’t overdo it with the caffeine intake

While drinking 17 pots of coffee right before an interview may seem like a good idea at the moment, a caffeine overdose can often have the opposite effect and leave you feeling even more shaky than before.

Let's face it: the last thing you want to do is be constantly squirming in front of your interviewers, leading them to believe you're simply not interested enough in the position to concentrate.

Caffeine also raises your heart rate, which can contribute to'sweaty palm syndrome' (definitely a real thing). Something you don't want to be amplified is generally something you don't want to be amplified.

Instead, get a good night's sleep before the big day to ensure you're well rested and energised without relying on alcoholic beverages to keep you awake. Keep in mind that energy is everything.

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