Category: Careers

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Actor

Professional actors, like everyone else, must submit a resume and a cover letter with their applicat...

10 Tips for your First Day at Work

1. Plan your route You want to arrive early so you don't have to rush inside the office. If you're d...

Hybrid Working: What You Need to Know

Do you enjoy working from home but aren't sure if you want to do it full-time? Working in a hybrid e...

Civil Service Careers: What you Need to Know

A career in the civil service is suitable for those who wish to give back to their community. Most j...

Top Companies Looking to Hire in March 2022

Well, so we can't guarantee the weather (or the safety of your fence) will stay nice this month. How...

How to Deal with Job Interview Stress

Relax, breathe, and take your timeSimply said, interviews are a terrifying experience. However, whil...

Retail Interview Questions

1.How would you describe good customer service?The company may ask this question because they want t...

Common Interview Questions&Answers

1.Tell me about yourself…A popular starting question, used partly to learn more about you, bu...


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